From Individual Power to Collective Shame

In 1919, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays (1891-1995) founded America’s first public relations firm, applying psychoanalytic discoveries to promote consumerism and to use latent sexual energy to manipulate the masses through subliminal seduction.

Freud, and his more daring colleague Wilhelm Reich on whom I’ve written previously, knew exactly how important latent –unrealized potentiality– energy is to the overall health of the mind and body. In their work, the word ‘sexuality’ bears almost no resemblance to what it means to us today. Reich considered it a life force that exists in cells and moves in the atmosphere, and he directly linked it to a person’s capacity for love, work and knowledge. It can be blocked, obstructed and manipulated in many different ways.

With help from Freud’s nephew, this newfound knowledge was quickly weaponized in ‘subliminal seduction’ to gain, as is so often the case in history, money and power. It turned primary human sexuality into an illusory, secondary banality.

Subliminal messages are conveyed through contextual sounds, visuals and other sensories that are too subtle to reach the conscious mind but have a big impact on thoughts, feelings and behavior. I first saw the quantitative research on this during psychology classes in 2003 and have never forgotten about it since.

All human amygdala’s are wired in similar ways. Instincts for nourishment, sleep, shelter and sexuality are primary forces in this part of the human brain, the root of biological existence. To influence the masses you’ll need to get to that source. Marketing guru Seth Godin refers to this as the ‘lizard brain’ that keeps us stuck in primitivity and away from rationality and ‘success’, i.e. the very opposite of what Reich claims. In both cases is every human susceptible to its manipulation, most of all those who are convinced they are not susceptible to it.

All of this gives new meaning to the term ‘sex sells’: human nature is monetized, weaponized, polluted at the source before it has a chance to become a unique individual power. Sexuality is thwarted through commercialism, collectivism and ideology and consequently, the potential for individual power is misdirected into collective shame and guilt.

If you take any natural drive and block it, it twists and turns but still comes out. But instead of coming out in a straightforward, direct way, it comes out twisted and ugly.

‘A Book of Dreams’ by Wilhelm Reich’s son Peter Reich (1974)

Too many well-trained minds today seem unaware of this subconscious manipulative power, which became dramatically amplified through television, radio, cell phones and computer screens and can only be resisted through epistemic humility, introspection, temperance in media intake and so forth. Thanks in part to what Christopher Lasch named the ‘Age of Narcissism’ most of my academic colleagues seemingly consider their Ivy League minds immune to outside subconscious manipulation. The illusion of the elimination of risk is the biggest risk of all.

It’s Human Nature?

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.

American Historian Howard Zinn (1922-2010)

Since 2020, I often hear from people that they are disappointed in their fellow citizens. The rampant obedience, the blind faith in the state, the groupthink, the disproportionate levels of naivité. While I consider this criticism warranted –like the American historian Howard Zinn (1922-2010) I warn against civil obedience– there is a twisted ‘catch’ to consider during our current predicament:


The unifying force behind ‘obey’ and ‘disobey’ is disappointment in humanity. In other words, there exists a universal disappointment in people for being disappointed in other people. Just like there exists a universal wariness of others for being wary of others.

To try to break the vicious circle is to try to stop being disappointed and wary.

Our view of human nature is the foundation of our thought processes and opinions. Whether you believe in heaven, paradise, Lemuria and Atlantis, the ‘naturally moral person’ as defined by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, or in the exact opposite, a world of human savages fighting a war of all against all, like the theory of Thomas Hobbes, it is essential to be conscious of your own individual definition of human nature. It is risky to rule out the possibility that forces around us have been influencing our views of human nature for the worse.

I’m a Guest at ‘Bakkie met Bergsma’

Dutch publicist and former lawyer Sietske Bergsma invited me to talk about my latest blog post, Building the Non-Lie. Sietske runs the video channel Bakkie met Bergsma as part of her publication The Fire Online. Our conversation is in Dutch, about one hour, click here to watch on YouTube.

(Click to watch)

I’ve been a fan of Sietske’s work for several years, she sharply observes and analyzes current events and manages to do so with humor and a big heart. Among her guests have been author Michael P. Senger and playwright and novelist C.J. Hopkins, the latter video was recently removed for undefined reasons by anonymous overlords.

Hereby I wish you, dear reader, a nice weekend, perhaps with a glimpse of the Full Harvest Moon in fiery Aries, as well as a lovely St. Michael’s Day, feast of courage, to those who also celebrate today.

Building the Non-Lie

It’s harder than it seems to build a truthful venture atop the ruins of a World of Lies. Whoever has had the courage to start such a new venture is working hard to make ends meet.

Picture an under-funded, under-appreciated startup that disrupts nothing but the phoney. There exists no subsidy or Quantitative Easing, no funding rounds A, B or C to get this unpopular startup, the Non-Lie, up and running.

So yes, this may be reminiscent of a David and Goliath scenario, but what does that mean other than that it CAN be done.

An important first step is to distinguish between art and marketing. The Age of Marketing is over, dead and buried, many people still need to adjust to that fact. Marketing aims to seduce, as a means to further temporary Non-Truth aims: money, growth, fame, recognition, followers, comfort, influence and power.

Art, the Non-Lie, only aims to create. It is a natural urge, a timeless expression of the soul, which does not know what Non-Truths are, only the mind knows those.

Creation is therefore a huge risk that requires visionary courage and an uncompromising following of one’s own path. I am not used to that anymore, I am coming from an Age of Mediocrity, dominated by oppressive, perverse commercial marketing and manipulation under the even more perverse guise of art, which is why it has been taking me and others a while to build the Non-Lie. As soon as you see the difference between marketing and art for what it is, you’ll never forget that every Non-Lie venture is a form of art.

The FBI and the Why of the Blue Sky

The biggest censorship case in modern history is that of the brilliant Austrian-American psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), who worked closely with Sigmund Freud. On August 23, 1956, the FBI burned 6 tonnes, 5443 kilograms, of Reich’s books and research. Reich died in prison a few months after his arrest in 1957.

Blue sky over Venlo

His research focused on ‘orgone energy’, which he described as a universal force behind life’s healing energy, the weather and the reason why the sky and water appear to our eyes as blue.

Many if not most books and articles on Reich published after his death are suprisingly suggestive and subjective, lacking academic standards, for instance, Colin Wilson’s ‘The Quest for Wilhelm Reich’ from 1981. The number of defamatory assumptions made about Reich raise questions about the motives of these publications.

In 1922, as a 25-year-old, Reich was already one of Europe’s prominent psychoanalysts, witnessing and treating lots of psychological suffering. He developed the well-known Reichian Five Character Structures, which links childhood trauma to defense mechanisms.

Later, Reich’s work gradually expanded in the direction of physics. He claimed that libido blockages and deprivation of life’s orgone energy were primary causes of illnesses and neuroses. He built a healing cabin, the ‘orgone accumulator’, in which a person’s body temperature rose without any outside influence, a scientific fact confirmed by Albert Einstein that remains unexplained –yet vehemently ridiculed– until this day.

Reich’s letters and diaries show that he proactively informed the American local and federal authorities about his scientific progress and discoveries. He had hoped to cooperate with the government. This attitude eventually backfired and marked the beginning of the surveilling, sabotaging, criminalizing, confiscating and finally the burning of his work.

After his move to the US in 1940, Reich’s life became increasingly stressful, including a wrongful imprisonment for which the US government later acknowledged its mistake. He was fired from his university position but was able to continue his research with a small group of scientists in Maine, upholding financial independence.

The team worked on unprecedented, high-stakes research. Einstein visited Reich to talk for five hours, but he eventually declined to contribute or cooperate. Ever since the start of his career, Reich often accused his colleagues of lacking courage.

Reich’s writings became increasingly emotional during the final years of his life. He had felt an overpowering drive to ameliorate needless human suffering. Forensic psychologists would likely affirm by reading his diaries that Reich’s drive was, at its core, moral and authentic. That drive was continuously sabotaged by the world and the forces around him during his lifetime.

The historical image of Reich is tragically flawed due to subjective interpretations, assumptions, speculations, judicial interests, defamatory efforts and more. Despite the fact that his integrity and intelligence can’t easily be disputed, the circumstances accomodated historians and others to paint the dominant image of Reich as an egotistical, frustrated, paranoid and lonely man.

The information on this topic is so tough to verify that my research is now paused. Reich’s own family trust and The Reich Museum charge relatively high prices for downloads and books, which is peculiar given Reich’s desire and struggle to get his research out to a wide audience.

Whenever the sky strikes me as powerful blue, I think about fiery Wilhelm Reich and his orgone energy. As long as so many details remain hidden, the biggest censorship case in modern history deserves to be respectfully revisited.