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- October 2, 2024. Live video broadcast ‘Bakkie met Bergsma’, about the popular political message of distrust and the price we may be paying for believing it.
- May 17, 2024. Live video broadcast ‘Bakkie met Bergsma’. A spontaneous, unprepared, unannounced hour-long live stream about current affairs and the field of history.
- September 29, 2023. Video broadcast, live recording, ‘Bakkie met Bergsma’, about the latest blog post, Building the Non-Lie.
- August 2022-June 2023. Live news commentary for Blckbx Today.
- May 2021. An in-depth interview at Café Weltschmerz.
- May 2016. A short news article in the language industry’s leading news source, Slator Magazine.
- May 2016. Conference panel in Las Vegas on global content marketing, about translation, cultures and languages.
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